Walk in my Shoes
The makers and the models at last year's fashion show
Apologies to all those who've just clicked on our link, ready to read Reuben's regular blog. Sadly, (for us!) our intrepid, cycling blogger has gone on holiday for a week. In his absence you're stuck with me, Cindie. I'm afraid I don't claim to be in the same league when it comes to eloquence and picturesque turn of phrase, as Reuben is, however, I will do what I can.
So, for anyone still reading, I'm going to write a little bit about our upcoming fashion showcases and why we're doing them.
Regular followers of the doings of we Rag Tag folk will know that we've had two fashion shows in the past, both of them in partnership with the excellent Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival. As SMHAFF, say on their website. 'Now in its sixth year, the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival is has grown to become one of Scotland's most valued and diverse cultural events, covering everything from music, film and visual art to theatre, dance, and literature. The annual festival takes place in venues across Scotland throughout October, aiming to support the arts and challenge preconceived ideas about mental health.' check out their website here
The festival is a great way of showcasing the sheer amount of talent and creativity of people who have experienced mental problems and is growing in success, raising the profile of those with mental health issues, asking the difficult questions, offering support. This year, the theme is 'Walk in My Shoes', which has got us thinking about just what that means to us and how we can portray it with fabric and stitches and, of course, shoes.
There's a song with a very similar title by Joe South, which was performed by The King himself, Elvis Presley - in case you were in any doubt. There are several versions on You Tube, though I've linked to one above to save you a few minutes on Google. As we all know, Elvis had a hard time or two in his life, but so did Joe South. Joe was born to a very poor family in Georgia, he struggled with drug problems, lost his brother to suicide and is apparently well known as a 'prickly character', who struggled with drug and alcohol issues for much of his life.
This is the chorus of his song:
Walk a mile in my shoes
just walk a mile in my shoes
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse
Then walk a mile in my shoes
The tune is upbeat and almost cheerfiul, but it resonates, it's about racial hatred, something Joe South knew a bit about, growing up in the South, but reading his story it's not hard to see that he understands mental illness too. We think it's a pretty good choice for the theme of the festival, a good choice for encouraging others to see things as we see them, of thinking twice before they judge.
So, we've been taking photos of shoes for the brochure, and the pics that Reuben has taken are funny and challenging and beautiful, I can't share them tonight, they're under wraps, like so many of the things that we're making. We'll keep you posted about what we're up to and the festival will be full of wonderful, moving inspirational stories and images, just as it's been for the last few years. We'll keep you posted about that too.
But back to shoes. We've been playing around with footware and adapting it and thinking about what shoes mean to a person, what they say about the wearer; are they practical, do we need them to portray an image, protect us, what do our shoes say about us? We judge eachother all the time, each and every day - she's 'grumpy', he's 'smug', she's 'slow', he's 'mental': labels that mean nothing really, that are superficial, that don't reflect the person we're talking about. Judging someone says far more about you than it ever will about the person you're judging, but that doesn't take away the hurt, and when the person that you've labelled is fragile or in pain, judging someone can be the thing that distroys them.
Being mentally ill really, really hurts. It takes over your whole life, affects your sleep and your waking life, takes away your happy memories and distorts them though a dark glass, it takes away your hope for the future and your joy in the present. When you're ill there seems as if there is no escape. But there is. There are friends to be found, there are people that understand. Organisations like ours, like SMHAFF and HUG and SAMH and many others are there and we're doing what we can. Many of our members have been ill too and have, with the support of eachother, become more well. They've learned to cope with the long, dark sleepless nights and the anxiety, the insecurity and the pain.
The last thing that anyone who's been ill needs is to be judged. Try understanding us instead, she's sad, he's shy, she's depressed, he's ill?
Why not walk in my shoes.
Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH)
Mind (England and Wales)
Scottish Recovery Network
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